1. Read DAQ data

1.1. Load the data with a given DAQ run number

# create a processor isntance
processor = DldFlashProcessor()
# assign a run number
processor.runNumber = 18843

The data can now be loaded from either a full DAQ run:

# read the data from the DAQ hdf5 dataframes

or from a selected range of the pulseIdInterval:

mbFrom = 1000 # first macrobunch
mbTo = 2000 # last macrobunch

1.2. Run the postProcess method

This generates a BAM-corrected pumpProbeDelay array, together with polar coordinates for the momentum axes.


The dask dataframe is now created and can be used directly or stored in parquet format (optimized for speed) for future use. A shorter code summary is in the following:

processor = DldFlashProcessor()
processor.runNumber = 18843